As of September 6th, 2023, the CMS Step it Up fundraiser has reached over $21,000. This fundraiser is to raise money to improve things in the school. As an added bonus, students will get fun prizes for participating in the fundraiser. Some prizes were given for just sending emails to friends and family seeking donations for the school. “I think the quality is pretty good for a middle school,” says 7th grader LoriAna Queja-Phillips. “I like it because we have time where we get to play outside.”
If students turned in a “Golden Ticket” with at least 10 emails sent the first two days of the fundraiser, they received Radioactive Chicken Flingers, a Waterproof Party Light, and an AstroBall. People were really happy about the prizes this year. “The prizes are lit and very cool, and the quality of them is very high class,” says 7th grader Kellan Weng.
The Day of Awesomeness will be on September 29th consisting of bouncy houses and other cool games. This fundraiser is different because it’s easy and practical, and the kids get fun toys because of it. “As far as school fundraisers go this is a good one because students don’t need to go around selling anything, but we still get much-needed funds for our school,” says core plus teacher Ashlea Beers.
One person would get a prize every day. These prizes consisted of four minifridges stuffed with cash, a $250 Amazon gift card, an Urban Air Adventure Park Ticket. Students who won the prizes were Jaxson Summers, Marley Martin, Kendall Klautsch, and Chloe O’Callaghan. Austin Jones won the $250 Amazon gift card and Madelynne Nelson won the Urban Air Adventure Park ticket.
This is a great fundraiser that helps the school so much, this helps out with Security Cameras, Sound Systems, Multimedia Equipment, space supplies, Library Furniture, Stage Curtains, and Teacher Grants!