Conrad Namazi
6th grade students at Eastlake for their October 13th, 2023 field trip.
The Davinci and Socrates cores went on a field trip to Eastlake park to observe impacts on the environment, and our community.
The 6th grade cores DaVinci and Socrates went to Eastlake park. They explored the natural world in our community, learned about the human impact on the environment, and learned that there are positive and negative impacts in this community on the environment. The positive things that they got to see on the field trip were city fencing for the regrowth of plants that had been destroyed. A negative impact they saw was how much trash was on the ground. The sixth graders picked up some trash, doing their part to help the community. They learned that human impact is important and this community has lots of waste on the ground!
“We focused on exploring the natural world in our community,” explains Mrs. Schauppner, 6th grade DaVinci core teacher. “We also investigated human impact, both positive and negative, that students could find. Positive things were things like the city fencing off areas to regrow plant life that had been trampled.”
The students came prepared to pick up any trash they might find. “Each group also brought a trash bag and it surprised them how much waste they found,” says Schauppner.